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Use Own Vehicle
Student can use their own vehicle by follow following guidlines as per The Traffic Rules levied by U.P. Goverment :

Guidelines for Motorcyclists :

The motorized two-wheeler rider is the one most likely to sustain serious injuries no matter what he hits- a pedestrian, a cat or another vehicle. This is because he is traveling at a speed more than 15 kmph without any protection around, and the human body is not able to tolerate forces generated when the head or any other bone hits hard and rigid objects at speed higher than 15 kmph.

Guidelines for Car Drivers:

Always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate, insurance certificate, road tax and P.U.C certificate with you while driving.

Don't Drink while Driving.

Don't Drive under the influence of drugs.

Obey all traffic signals, lights and signs.

Use the indicator or hand signals when changing lanes.

Adhere to permitted speed limits.

Don't use your cell phone while driving. If you must, move to the left, halt and then make the call.

Irrespective of right of way, stay alert and be considerate to pedestrians especially senior citizens, handicapped, ladies and children.

Do not overload your vehicles - be it luggage or passengers.

Do not use tinted glasses, lenses or visors or anything that restricts vision at night or in poor visibility conditions.

Do not drink and drive as it adversely affects your judgment and abilities.

Wear seat belts.

Always drive using the correct gear.

Avoid sudden braking and harsh acceleration.

Never use the clutch as footrest while driving.

Do not overload your vehicle or trailer. Never tow greater weight than recommended by the manufacturer of your vehicle.

Please ensure that all children under 14 years of age wear seat belts or sit in an approved child restraint.

Driving in fatigue enhances the probability of an accident. To minimize this risk you must follow these rules :

Make sure you are fit to drive. Do not undertake a long journey (longer than an hour) if you feel tired.

Avoid undertaking long journeys between midnight and early morning hours, when natural alertness is at its worst.

Plan your journey in breaks. A minimum break of at least 15 minutes after every two hours of driving is recommended.

If you feel sleepy, stop at a safe place. Do not stop on the hard shoulder of a motorway

The most effective ways to counter sleepiness are to take a short nap (up to 15 minutes) or drink, for example, two cups of strong coffee. Fresh air, exercise or turning up the radio may help for a short time, but are not as effective.

We can avoid accidents by following guidelines:

While driving always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate, insurance certificate, road tax and P.U.C certificate.

MUST NOT carry more than one pillion rider and he/she MUST sit astride the machine on a proper seat and should keep both feet on the footrests.

Make yourself as visible as possible from the sides as well as the front and rear. You could wear a white or brightly colored helmet. Wear fluorescent clothing or strips. Dipped headlights, even in good daylight, may also make you more conspicuous.

You should be aware of what is behind and in the sides before maneuvering. Look behind you; use mirrors if they are fitted.

Wear reflective clothing or strips to improve your chances of being seen in the dark.

Never Drink while driving.

Follow the traffic signals, lights and signs.

Avoid using the cell phone when driving. If urgent move to left, stop and then take the call.

Do not ride at high speeds. You may lose control and your life in the bargain .

Always use a helmet.

Do not ride or wheel your vehicle on to the footpath.

Use your lights when riding at night.

Understand the signals given by other road users and use the same when riding .

Never stop abruptly in traffic. Move to the left and slow down.

When passing a stationery vehicle allow sufficient clearance for the car doors which may open suddenly.

Do not try and weave your way through stationery or slow moving traffic. It may cause accidents.

Slow down at zebra crossing and if needs be stop.

Always ride with both hands on the handlebar except when signaling.

Don't sit children on fuel tanks or stand them in front of the rider.

Avoid using brakes at turns. If needed, ensure both brakes are applied gently.

MUST wear a protective helmet. Helmets MUST comply with the Regulations and they MUST be fastened securely.

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